Last Action Hero
A Walk in the Clouds
Gesù di Nazareth
Bluff storia di truffe e di imbroglioni
L'eredità Ferramonti
Il sindaco
A Dream of Kings
The Secret of Santa Vittoria
Treasure Island - Space Pirates
Walk in the Spring Rain
The Magus
Portrait in Black
...E venne il giorno della vendetta
Guns for san sebastian
Heller in Pink Tights
Target of an Assassin
A High Wind in Jamaica
The Children of Sanchez
The Happening
Lost Command
Los Amigos
The Passage
Last Train from Gun Hill
The Black Orchid
The Buccaneer
The Savage Innocents
The Greek Tycoon
Wild Is the Wind
The Don Is Dead
Lust for Life
The Guns of Navarone