The King's Man
OSS 117: Alerte rouge en Afrique noire
No Time To Die
OSS 117: Rio ne répond plus
OSS 117: Le Caire nid d'espions
Spies in Disguise
Johnny English Strikes Again
Kingsman: The Golden Circle
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Shadow Dancer
Safe House
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Green Zone
Agent Cody Banks
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
Johnny English
Die Another Day
Animal Factory
The Art of War
The Jackal
Tomorrow Never Dies
Mission: Impossible
Dennis the Menace
Nowhere to Run
Year of the Comet
Thelma & Louise
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Slumber Party Massacre III
Licence to Kill
The Fourth Protocol
Spies Like Us
A View to a Kill
The Falcon and the Snowman
The Amateur
When Time Ran Out
Concorde Affaire '79
The Spy Who Loved Me
The Man with the Golden Gun
Live and Let Die
The MacKintosh Man
Il segreto dei soldati d'argilla
La peau de Torpedo
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Fraulein Doktor
The Wrecking Crew
Eva, la Venere selvaggia
Danger Has Two Faces
Istanbul Express
Magnífico Tony Carrera, El
Attentato ai tre grandi
You Only Live Twice
Dick Smart 2007
Agente Sigma 3 - Missione Goldwather
Da Berlino l'apocalisse
Cifrato speciale
Le Carnaval des barbouzes
Sicario 77 vivo o morto
Missione apocalisse
Le spie amano i fiori
Agente Jo Walker Operazione Estremo Oriente
Goldsnake anonima killers
Agente 3S3, massacro al sole
Im Nest der gelben Viper - Das FBI schlägt zu
MMM83 - Missione Morte Molo 83
Un brivido sulla pelle
A Keg of Powder
Operazione tre gatti gialli
Baraka sur X 13
Operazione poker
Superseven chiama Cairo
Asso di picche operazione controspionaggio
Da Istanbul ordine di uccidere
Agente segreto 777 - Operazione Mistero
Agente S 03: Operazione Atlantide
Fureur sur le Bosphore
Der fluch des schwarzen Rubin
Berlino - Appuntamento per le spie
A 008 Operazione Sterminio
Das Geheimnis der drei Dschunken
Oss 77 - Operazione fior di loto
Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary
Estambul 65
Agente 3S3: Passaporto per l'inferno
Le spie uccidono a Beirut
Furia à Bahia pour OSS 117
Noches de Casablanca
Ring of Spies
From Russia with Love
North by Northwest
Agguato a Tangeri
Marche ou crève
Pier 5, havana
Where the Spies Are
Man on a String
Division Brandenburg
Agent for H.A.R.M.
Schwarzer Nerz auf zarter Haut
Passeport diplomatique agent K 8
The Chairman
The Looking Glass War
Splinter Cell 2
Lan Xin Da Ju Yuan
Munich: The Edge of War
All the Old Knives
Heart of Stone
The Amateur
The Secret Life of Houdini
Smiley's People
Untitled Disney's Female Detective project
Hyappatsu hyakuchu
Trunk to Cairo
Smiley's People
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
The B Team
Dead Spy Running
Misión Lisboa
The Tamarind Seed
La valse du gorille
The Tourist
The Karate Killers
The Liquidator
When Eight Bells Toll
Ballade pour un voyou
Schüsse im Dreivierteltakt
The Naked Runner
Operation Crossbow
Mission spéciale à Caracas
Les Espions
Schüsse aus dem Geigenkasten
Corrida pour un espion
The Ipcress File
The Devil's Agent
To Trap a Spy
Les ennemis
Train d'enfer